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    • Only small quantities are required (10 kg per hectare per year).

    • Shortening the growing season by 10 to 30%.

    • Better quality of fruits and vegetables (longer storage time).


    • Improving the plant's resistance to fungi, insects and plant diseases.


    • Reduction of drought stress in the event of water scarcity.


    • Reduce water consumption by up to 70%.


    • Reduction of soil salinization.


    • 100% natural product without pesticides.


    • 90% lower transport costs, resulting in low CO2 emissions.


    • Government support for sustainable agriculture.


    • One more harvest per year possible.


    • 60% reduction in total fertiliser costs.


    • Unlimited storage time.

    Benefits of silabaal?

  • By accelerating photosynthesis, the plants grow faster and therefore require less water. The entire growing season is shortened.

  • Silabaal accelerates photosynthesis by opening up the leaf structures.

  • Due to the lower fertilizer consumption per hectare, the transport effort and thus the CO2 emissions are reduced.

  • Foliar fertilizer is used in conjunction with solid fertilizer to quickly correct nutrient imbalance and stimulate the increase in root uptake.


    Silabaal penetrates directly into the leaf pores into the interior of the plant. This is due to the Granulometry of 0.1 μm is possible, which is much smaller than the size of a leaf pore opening (ostiole). Upon penetration into the intercellular region of the leaf through the leaf pore (stoma), calcium carbonate (CaCo3) is split into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon dioxide is immediately switched on in the process of photosynthesis. With the help of sunlight (which becomes energy of chemical bonds), water and carbon dioxide, organic compounds are formed. Since the intensity of photosynthesis depends primarily on the intensity of light and the CO2 concentration, silabaal

    provides an optimal amount of CO2 for the plant and contributes significantly to the process of photosynthesis, as well as to primary and secondary metabolic processes, but also to other physiological processes in the plant.

    • The effect of silabaal is to spread over the foliage and over theSurface of other organs intervene in the structure of the cell parts. That's it for everyonephysiological processes in the tissue of the plant, from photosynthesis and primary metabolism to the complicated metabolic and cytological processes that take place in the plant from germination to fruit ripening. As the mineral gradually dissolves, it forms a saturated environment in conjunction with the carbon dioxide.

    • Silabaal is a 100% natural mineral fertilizer without any chemicals.

    • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

    • Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

    • Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

    • Iron (Fe)

    • Manganese (Mn)

    • Selenium (Se)

    • Carbonate solubility

    • Neutral Components

    • Granule size

    • Manufacturing is a process in which the minerals are crushed to micro-millimeters. Thus, it is possible that the minerals can penetrate the plant very quickly via the leaves.

    • Silabaal is a pure foliar fertilizer and no additional fertilizers are needed in the long term. The maximum amount of silabal per hectare is 3 kg compared to standard fertilizer with 50 kg.

    • The first spraying should be done when the plant has the first three small leaves.

    • The best time to spray is in the morning or late afternoon, with temperatures between 8 and 20°C and humidity of 60%. Spraying must be done in favorable weather, in conditions without rain, strong winds or hot sun.

    • The fertilizer works on all plant species with photosynthesis.

    • Silabaal can be used all year.

    • Silabaal can be used every year without any problems, because it does not damage the soil through salinization like conventional fertilizers

    • Can I use Silabaal every year?
    • Silabaal is mixed with water in a ratio of 0.3% to 0.5%.
      2.5 Kg - 600 Litre

    • It is important to spray the fertilizer in the form of a fine mist so that it can be sprayed well and easily penetrates the leaf.

    • Silabaal is sprayed throughout the growing season as follows.


    • Every 15 – 20 days (about 3 times) on the plant (spraying).

    • For example: 1kg per 200 litres of water, 2.5 – 3.0 kg per hectare per 600 litres of water.

    • Further details can be found on the packaging and in the instructions.




    • It is very important to know that the fertilizer is never mixed with other products. Especially with preservatives, since it worsens the effect and therefore the results. Silabaal should only be applied to the plants when necessary.

    • What intervals to apply Silabaal?
    • In principle, conventional spray nozzles can be used for spraying, which are used, for example, for pesticides.

    • The most suitable technologies are those that distribute the fertilizer very finely and evenly. Currently, drones with the appropriate equipment are the most suitable.

    • It is very important to know that the fertilizer is never mixed with other products. Especially with preservatives, since it worsens the effect and therefore the results. Silabaal should only be applied to the plants when necessary.

    • Due to the lower consumption of only 3 kg of silabaal per hectare instead of 50 kg of standard fertilizer per hectare, transport costs are reduced up  to 90%

    • A list of ingredients from a certified laboratory is available for import. All ingredients are exclusively of natural origin. This means that no special certificates are required for import.

    • However, imports should be clarified in advance with the responsible authorities for each country.

    • Silabaal can be stored for an unlimited period.




    • Only small quantities are required (10 kg per hectare per year).

    • Shortening the growing season by 10 to 30%.

    • Better quality of fruits and vegetables (longer storage time).


    • Improving the plant's resistance to fungi, insects and plant diseases.


    • Reduction of drought stress in the event of water scarcity.


    • Reduce water consumption by up to 70%.


    • Reduction of soil salinization.


    • 100% natural product without pesticides.


    • 90% lower transport costs, resulting in low CO2 emissions.


    • Government support for sustainable agriculture.


    • One more harvest per year possible.


    • 60% reduction in total fertiliser costs.


    • Unlimited storage time.

  • By accelerating photosynthesis, the plants grow faster and therefore require less water. The entire growing season is shortened.

  • Silabaal accelerates photosynthesis by opening up the leaf structures.

  • Due to the lower fertilizer consumption per hectare, the transport effort and thus the CO2 emissions are reduced.

  • Foliar fertilizer is used in conjunction with solid fertilizer to quickly correct nutrient imbalance and stimulate the increase in root uptake.


    Silabaal penetrates directly into the leaf pores into the interior of the plant. This is due to the Granulometry of 0.1 μm is possible, which is much smaller than the size of a leaf pore opening (ostiole). Upon penetration into the intercellular region of the leaf through the leaf pore (stoma), calcium carbonate (CaCo3) is split into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon dioxide is immediately switched on in the process of photosynthesis. With the help of sunlight (which becomes energy of chemical bonds), water and carbon dioxide, organic compounds are formed. Since the intensity of photosynthesis depends primarily on the intensity of light and the CO2 concentration, silabaal

    provides an optimal amount of CO2 for the plant and contributes significantly to the process of photosynthesis, as well as to primary and secondary metabolic processes, but also to other physiological processes in the plant.

    • The effect of silabaal is to spread over the foliage and over theSurface of other organs intervene in the structure of the cell parts. That's it for everyonephysiological processes in the tissue of the plant, from photosynthesis and primary metabolism to the complicated metabolic and cytological processes that take place in the plant from germination to fruit ripening. As the mineral gradually dissolves, it forms a saturated environment in conjunction with the carbon dioxide.

    • Silabaal is a 100% natural mineral fertilizer without any chemicals.

    • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

    • Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

    • Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

    • Iron (Fe)

    • Manganese (Mn)

    • Selenium (Se)

    • Carbonate solubility

    • Neutral Components

    • Granule size

    • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

    • Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

    • Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

    • Iron (Fe)

    • Manganese (Mn)

    • Selenium (Se)

    • Carbonate solubility

    • Neutral Components

    • Granule size

    • Manufacturing is a process in which the minerals are crushed to micro-millimeters. Thus, it is possible that the minerals can penetrate the plant very quickly via the leaves.

    • Pls note that Silabaal is not a fer*lizer according the rules of fer*lizer as defined in prescrip*on of synthe*c fer*lizer. It is a micronized calcium carbonate in form of a micronized, ionized plant suppor*ng product. This does not change the ground feeding

    • Yes it has a very positve effect. It is reducing vegeta*on period down to 28 days in some areas. In Austria we have between 4-6 cuts, normal without is 2-3 cuts

    • Silabaal is a pure foliar fertilizer and no additional fertilizers are needed in the long term. The maximum amount of silabal per hectare is 3 kg compared to standard fertilizer with 50 kg.

    • The first spraying should be done when the plant has the first three small leaves.

    • The best time to spray is in the morning or late afternoon, with temperatures between 8 and 20°C and humidity of 60%. Spraying must be done in favorable weather, in conditions without rain, strong winds or hot sun.

    • The fertilizer works on all plant species with photosynthesis.

    • Silabaal can be used all year.

    • Silabaal can be used every year without any problems, because it does not damage the soil through salinization like conventional fertilizers

    • Silabaal is mixed with water in a ratio of 0.3% to 0.5%.
      2.5 Kg - 600 Litre

    • You can spray with usual spraying equipment, including drones use noddle of 0,5 mm,

    • We have a plan for all type of cultures. Pls advise which ones we shall start with.

    • Normal for wheat is when plant has 4 leaves first applica*on, second 2-3 weeks later, third 4 weeks later, 4th aYer flowering.

    • With tress you can start when leaves are out, second 2-3 weeks later, next 4 weeks later, next 5-6 weeks later. You stop 4 weeks before crop

    • (20mm water weekly on 30ha which is roughly 600 000 l of water a week)

    • Has to be cleared with local persons directly

    • We recommend to use the usual synthe*c fer*lizer as normal as a control area with no Silabaal use. One area with normal fer*lizer use plus Silabaal, and one area with 75% fer*lizer use and Silabaal.

    • Silabaal is sprayed throughout the growing season as follows.

    • Every 15 – 20 days (about 3 times) on the plant (spraying).

    • For example: 1kg per 200 litres of water, 2.5 – 3.0 kg per hectare per 600 litres of water.

    • Further details can be found on the packaging and in the instructions.




    • It is very important to know that the fertilizer is never mixed with other products. Especially with preservatives, since it worsens the effect and therefore the results. Silabaal should only be applied to the plants when necessary.

    • In principle, conventional spray nozzles can be used for spraying, which are used, for example, for pesticides.

    • The most suitable technologies are those that distribute the fertilizer very finely and evenly. Currently, drones with the appropriate equipment are the most suitable.

    • Yes you can use on older trees, we have very good experiences on walnuts in Kroatia.

    • It is very important to know that the fertilizer is never mixed with other products. Especially with preservatives, since it worsens the effect and therefore the results. Silabaal should only be applied to the plants when necessary.

    • Due to the lower consumption of only 3 kg of silabaal per hectare instead of 50 kg of standard fertilizer per hectare, transport costs are reduced up  to 90%

    • A list of ingredients from a certified laboratory is available for import. All ingredients are exclusively of natural origin. This means that no special certificates are required for import.

    • However, imports should be clarified in advance with the responsible authorities for each country.

    • Silabaal can be stored for an unlimited period.

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